Consumer Compliance Outlook: First Quarter 2014

Federal Reserve Board Consumer Affairs Letters for 2013/2014

Consumer Affairs (CA) letters address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve System’s consumer compliance supervisory responsibilities. CA letters are numbered sequentially by year. For example, the first letter issued in 2014 is numbered CA 14-1. Letters that have been superseded or contain confidential supervisory information are not included.

CA 14-2 External Link Revised Interagency Large Institution CRA Examination Procedures and Consolidation of Interagency CRA Examination Procedures and Supporting Materials
CA 14-1 / SR 14-2* External Link Enhancing Transparency in the Federal Reserve’s Applications Process
CA 13-26 External Link Regulation X Homeownership Counseling List Requirement
CA 13-25 External Link Revised Interagency Examination Procedures for Regulation Z and Applicability of CA 09-12
CA 13-24 External Link Revised RESPA Interagency Examination Procedures
CA 13-23 / SR 13-20 External Link Interagency Statement on Supervisory Approach for Qualified and Non-Qualified Mortgage Loans
CA 13-22 External Link Social Media: Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance
CA 13-21 / SR 13-19 External Link Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk
CA 13-20 External Link Consumer Compliance and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Examination Frequency Policy
CA 13-19 External Link Community Bank Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Program
CA 13-18 External Link Final Revisions to Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment
CA 13-17 External Link Revised Interagency Examination Procedures for Regulation E
CA 13-16 External Link Interagency Examination Procedures for Garnishment of Accounts Containing Federal Benefit Payments Rule
CA 13-15 External Link Interagency Statement on Fair Lending Compliance and the Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Standards Rule
CA 13-14 External Link Interagency Guidance on Privacy Laws and Reporting Financial Abuse of Older Adults
CA 13-11 / SR 13-15 External Link Federal Reserve Resources for Minority Depository Institutions
CA 13-10 / SR 13-13 External Link Supervisory Considerations for the Communication of Supervisory Findings
CA 13-8 External Link Guidance on the Use of 2010 Census Data in Fair Lending Examinations
CA 13-7 External Link Statement on Deposit Advance Products
CA 13-6 / SR 13-9 External Link Minimum Standards for Prioritization and Handling Borrower Files with Imminent Scheduled Foreclosure Sale
CA 13-5 / SR 13-8 External Link Extension of the Use of Indicative Ratings for Savings and Loan Holding Companies
CA 13-4 / SR 13-7 External Link State Member Bank Branching Considerations
CA 13-3 / SR 13-6 External Link Supervisory Practices Regarding Banking Organizations and Their Borrowers and Other Customers Affected by a Major Disaster or Emergency
CA 13-2 External Link Interagency Statement on the Impact of Biggert-Waters Act
CA 13-1 / SR 13-1 External Link Supplemental Policy Statement on the Internal Audit Function and Its Outsourcing

* In some cases, CA letters are issued jointly with the Federal Reserve’s Banking Supervision and Regulation Division. Letters issued by that division are commonly known as SR Letters, which address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve System’s supervisory responsibilities.